picking out shoes

why do i care so much what people wear when i am sober, jesus christ. telling somebody's mom about what the girls wore "back in the day" at my school like what who gives a shit you

a lot of aspects about this life which i thought i understood at length, now look as phony bewildering bullshit

"Melody began seeing her therapist a year ago when she was being bullied at school. She still goes every 2 weeks because she feels therapy is really helping to build her self-esteem."

i cannot believe the way i act. at these pixels into the outholes of corneal openings, out of these eyeholes, these membranes, vision wrapped in wideangle a stretched, roundshaped hulking shell merged into the tissue of me the eternal teenager, the fifth grader confused about how do girls even pee anyway ? the stark raving mad similarities the paralells so obvious and permanent and now in a state with more stored data and faster processing of contexts and signifying key elements - the comparisons between what does he have what do i have, he a bed and a sofa, i just the bed... but with that comes a heavy understanding of how it all works of that it is working in some trend, like the way a dog can understand your having opened or closed a door, the sliding manipulated worn shard ripped out of a plant trunk of nature a dog can understand age, how things come and go but do not always stay but other things like the trees seems to be there forever looming large and intimidating and full of some everunknowable fact and molecular makeup everunattainable by some that are just for no particular reason except a sort of ambling tether through predecessor's actions, which themselves have no inherent meaning and so on and so on down forever, for no particular reason otherwise are covered in little tufts like grass like everything dirty, a little lower to the ground, maybe nervous and incontinent, everdepending on provided sustenance not knowing, never seeing any other way, no other way can exist for them in their current trending makeup, all the chromes thrichrom osomes helixed around an axis EXACTLY as are the falling crumbs of planetary rock oscillate about a spherical axis, an everunendable cause and effect of attraction EXACTLY as every heliosphere rolls in and fillsup an expanding trending wind of path of least resistance, and exactly as like our attraction to other objects in the world AND notions motions helix around a top heavy mass of nerves, which together with another in passionate love or death like expanding universes lay. The yolk of the chicken's egg is the yolk of the Sun's Flow within the Heliosheath, FRY an egg, look at those raw Nucleic bits in the yellow thats all we see, and like i said even then we are the dog they are the trees

OBVIOUSLY a build up of trends is expected to rise and fall like a sine but technology too? will the human race ever stop moving about the current helix (tempted to say the original helix but all know nothing can be defined as the original if it indeed had some predecessor) like a bird cannot be the first gift nor can its ancient giant dinosaurs ITS STILL THERE THE BONES ARE STILL FUCKIN THERE THEY WERE MADE BEFORE WE EVEN EXISTED AS BIPEDS BUT THATS not to say that homo sapien is the original human just as you cannot say of ANYTHING except perhaps eternal periodic tables, the noble gasous infinities

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